

Books by Vaisnavacharya Chandan Goswami

English Books

Radharaman Calendar 2024

Radharaman Calendar 2024

The calendar has 12 beautiful sandarshans for each month of the year. The calendar page details the festivals and fasting dates for the coming year. This year, the calendar includes 12 inspirational spiritual quotes. It is thoughtfully curated with sturdy binding. Dimensions: 8.5" by 9.5"; wall-mountable.
Shri Radharaman Prakatya

Shri Radharaman Prakatya

Sarvabhaum Shri Madhusudan Goswami’s Shri Radharaman Prakatya tells the miraculous story of Shri Radharamanji’s appearance and the start of the Goswamis’ lineage in beautiful poetic Brajbhasha. The details of Radharamanji’s appearance lila are taken from this book, with Madhusudan Goswamiji’s verses included throughout. Translation by Vaisnavacharya Chandan Goswami.
Shri Radha-Krishn's Family (Part 1 - the Animals)

Shri Radha-Krishn's Family (Part 1 - the Animals)

ODev’s new series, Shri Radha-Krishn’s Family, helps you learn about Shri Radha-Krishn, their family members, servants, lila places and much more. Because when you love someone, you want to please them in every way and this can only happen if you know everything about them. The series is based on Shri Radha-Krishn Ganoddesh Dipika by Shri Roop Goswami. With its easy-to-read content and charming colouring pages, the first book provides an interactive meditation on the Divine Couple and their nitya-parikars. Suitable for children of all ages as well as adults.
The Sacred Shilas

The Sacred Shilas

The divine origins and worship of the sacred stones of India, namely shaligram shila, dwarka shila and govardhan shila, are revealed through the author’s well-researched and informative guide, The Sacred Shilas. With its clear guidelines for puja, taken from ancient Sanskrit texts, both beginners and experienced worshippers of shilas will find this book not only a valuable resource, but also a beautiful teacher of how to serve with love and simplicity.
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Way to Love: A Commentary on the Narad Bhakti Sutra

Vaisnavacharya Chandan Goswami’s published work, Way to Love, is a commentary on the scripture Narad Bhakti Sutra. His commentary reveals the sweet essence of Sage Narad aphorisms, leading the reader from the introductory stages of devotion to the supreme stage of sacred love (prem). New and experienced aspirants alike will find special inspiration in this text. The e-books are based on the first edition of this publication and the hardcopy is the latest third edition print.

Śhrī Rādhāramaṇ Gītā: Nitya Līlā

Śhrī Rādhāramaṇ Gītā: Nitya Līlā

A collection of ecstatic songs that have serenaded Shri Radharamanji for over a century, Śhrī Rādhāramaṇ Gītā: Nitya Līlā lovingly portrays Shriji’s daily life from morning to night. The story of His appearance, based on the poetic account of one of the Temple’s most celebrated Acharyas, is included. The format of the book contains the original Brajbhasha songs, with Roman transliteration and prose translations into English.

Spiritual Ink

Spiritual Ink

Spiritual Ink is a poetic offering of Vaisnavacharya Chandan Goswami and Radhika Goswami, to their beloved Shri Radharaman. It is almost impossible to capture what one feels on the journey to sacred love. Still, in these hundred poems, the authors have humbly attempted to share the heart’s innermost experience of devotion and its eternal relationship with the Divine.
“I set sail, drifting away from the worldly shores. My love-struck heart, desperately in search of its Beloved, cut all existing bonds to find its only means of existence. In a moment of intense remembrance and insatiable longing, my solitary tears came to rescue my fall and offered themselves as my spiritual ink.”

Spanish Books

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Camino al Amor: Un comentario sobre el Narad Bhakti Sutra

Los santos y los sabios dicen que amor es devoción y devoción es amor. Por su más profundo deseo, se develaron los misterios del hechizado corazón, donde cada latido fue destinado a componer esa guirnalda de canciones, para ofrendar a su Amado. Y así, estas revelaciones son compartidas por el Sabio Narad, quien imparte estos secretos, que purifican el corazón para recibir la más dulce melodía del más bendito amor. Sus claras instrucciones preparan a quien anhela ser amante, como una ofrenda en los brazos de ese adorable Vaquerito de Vrindavan, Krishn, Aquél que robó innumerables corazones y mentes con tan solo una mirada de Sus ojos de loto o por el mero roce de Sus hermosos labios a una flauta. Aquéllos que están deseosos del amor de Krishn pueden realizarlo y deleitarse en Él mediante el lazo del amor sagrado. El Narad Bhakti Sutraes el himno de este amor sagrado, un canto que culmina en una bienaventurada unión del amante con su Amado.
Tinta Espiritual

Tinta Espiritual

Me hice a la mar, alejándome de las costas mundanas. Mi corazón abrumado de amor, desesperadamente en busca de su Amado, cortó todo lazo existente para hallar su único medio de existencia. En un momento de intensa remembranza y anhelo insaciable, mis solitarias lágrimas acudieron a rescatar mi caída y se ofrendaron como mi tinta espiritual.

La Familia de Shri Radha-Krishn - Parte 1 - los animales

La Familia de Shri Radha-Krishn - Parte 1 - los animales

La nueva serie de ODev “La familia de Shri Radha-Krishn” le ayudará en el aprendizaje sobre Radha-Krishn, los miembros de sus respectivas familias, sirvientes, lugares de lila y mucho más. Porque, cuando se ama a alguien, se le quiere complacer de todas las maneras, y esto sólo es posible si se conoce todo sobre esa persona.

La serie está basada en el Shri Radha-Krishn ganoddesh dipika de Shri Roop Goswami. Con su contenido de fácil lectura y su encantadoras páginas para colorear, el primer libro provee una meditación interactiva en la Pareja Divina y sus nitya-parikars. Idóneo para niños de todas las edades al igual que adultos.

Hindi Books

प्रेम परिकर्तिका

प्रेम परिकर्तिका

वैष्णवाचार्य श्री चंदन गोस्वामी द्वारा कृत एक पुस्तिका है। श्री राधारमण लाल के प्रेम को महाराज श्री ने कविताओं के संग्रह के माध्यम से इसपुस्तिका में प्रस्तुत किया है। ठाकुर श्री राधारमण देव के लिए वैष्णव जन एवं रसिक जनो के विरह भाव को शब्दों में व्यक्त करती ये कविताएँ हर भक्त केहृदय में छुपे उस प्रेम को,जो अब विरहाग्नि में परिवर्तित हो रहा है, बहुत मधुर रूप से दर्शाती है।

श्री कृष्ण कौतुकम्

श्री कृष्ण कौतुकम्

श्री परमानंद पाद द्वारा लिखित यह दिव्य लीला ग्रंथ जो नित्य एवं नैमित्तिक लीलाओं का आस्वादन कराता है, श्रीकृष्ण दास बाबा कुसुम सरोवर वालों के द्वारा प्रथम बार छापा गया था । जिसकी ४०० वर्ष पुरानी हस्त लिखित प्रतिलिपि उनके पास थी । वर्तमान में यह ग्रंथ प्रायः लुप्त ही हो चुका है । परंतु एक दिन जब दास ने इस ग्रंथ का अध्ययन किया तो हिंदी के अनुवाद में बहुत त्रुटियों को पाया ।

वैष्णवाचार्य चन्दन गोस्वामी

श्री राधारमण प्राकट्य

श्री राधारमण प्राकट्य

श्री मधुसूदन गोस्वामी विरचित श्री राधारमण प्राकट्य, ब्रजभाषा का अलौकिक ग्रंथ है जिसमें श्रीजी के प्राकट्य का विस्तृत वर्णन दिया हुआ है । ऐसे ही प्रेममयी सेवा करते हुए सार्वभौम मधुसूदन गोस्वामी जी का जीवन व्यतीत हुआ तथा अंत में श्रीजी के श्रीचरणों में उन्हें शरण मिली ।

वैष्णवाचार्य चन्दन गोस्वामी
श्री राधाकृष्ण कुटुम्ब (प्रथम भाग- पशु पक्षी)

श्री राधाकृष्ण कुटुम्ब (प्रथम भाग- पशु पक्षी)

ODev’s new series, Shri Radha-Krishn’s Family, helps you learn about Shri Radha-Krishn, their family members, servants, lila places and much more. Because when you love someone, you want to please them in every way and this can only happen if you know everything about them. The series is based on Shri Radha-Krishn Ganoddesh Dipika by Shri Roop Goswami. With its easy-to-read content and charming colouring pages, the first book provides an interactive meditation on the Divine Couple and their nitya-parikars. Suitable for children of all ages as well as adults.

राधारमण गीता

राधारमण गीता

श्री वृंदावन की भक्ति भावमयी भक्ति कही गयी है । इस भक्ति में अष्टायाम सेवा के भाव ही प्रधान हैं जिससे श्री प्रियालालजू की लीला का स्मरण कर भोग राग सेवा करी जाती है ।

श्री राधारमण गीता में रसिकवर श्री गुणमंजरी दास गोस्वामी जी के द्वारा रचित पदों में श्रीजी की उसी नित्य लीला तथा नैमित्तिक लीला का वर्णन है जिसके द्वारा उनके प्रिय भक्त उनकी उपासना करते हैं ।

रसिकश्रेष्ठ श्री सार्वभौम मधुसूधन गोस्वामी जी द्वारा वर्णित श्री राधारमण देव के प्राकट्य की अद्भुत कथा एवं दुर्लभ श्री राधारमण एवं श्री गोपाल भट्ट गोस्वामी जी की स्तुतियाँ इस ग्रंथ को अद्वितीय बनाती हैं ।